“Do not tell them how to do it, show them how to do it and do not say a word. If you tell them they will watch your lips move. If you show them they will want to do it themselves.’
Maria Montessori

We are open 7.30am-6.30pm and are only a 5 min walk from Westferry DLR station

The Modern Touch
Our brand new setting has a carefully designed environment that is well equipped with resources to support your child’s developmental needs enabling them to be happy, confident and curious individuals

The Great Outdoors
Whilst we are in the heart of London, we are firm believers that children should be outdoors as much as possible. Our curriculum is filled with trips to local green spaces for our city children to experience nature.

Food Glorious Food
A wholesome and balanced diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Our on-site chef prepares fresh nutritious meals encouraging children to make healthy choices and experience a broad range of different food and tastes
At Puddle Jumpers we believe nursery is more than just childcare – it is the start of your child’s education, preparation for school and most importantly the foundation for a happy, healthy and successful life. Our aspirations are high; carefully planned learning opportunities inspire the children to become creative thinkers and problem solvers.
Through a strong key person approach we build on the children’s individual strengths and interests supporting them to explore, investigate and discover new things with their key person always close by to help them be adaptable and comfortable with change.
We take inspiration from what we believe are the most relevant approaches to understanding how children think and learn, guided by Reggio Emilia we have created a neutral calm environment, filled with natural objects as a way to inspire the children’s fascination and wonder, providing time and space for them to revisit their interests until they are intrigued by something new.
We are inspired by our culturally diverse children, and seek to capture each child’s experiences and share them in order to broaden the horizons of all the children and encourage them to embrace and celebrate our differences.
Inspired by the principles of Waldorf Steiner we encourage experiential learning, through the process of ‘making, doing, creating’. Taking time to observe the children in their play we carefully plan activities and experiences to scaffold their learning, encouraging independence and building the child’s sense of confidence and belonging.
We use the early years foundation stage to consider the child’s developmental progress working closely with our families to make sure that the holistic needs of the child are our focus.