The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Development Matters guidance is used to summarise the children’s learning; following the four principals we celebrate the unique child through our strong key person system. Great care is used to create environments that encourage the child’s learning as well as creating opportunities to work closely with parents so that we can understand what is important to each family, enabling us to build a curriculum of learning that is purposeful to you. Together we will monitor your child’s progress, using the seven areas of learning as a guide to summarise development, next steps of learning will then be planned using your child’s interests.
Nature schools

Being in a busy city can limit opportunities to connect with nature, we actively seek opportunities for our children to have the freedom to explore outdoors where they can connect with the natural world around them. The children have opportunities to ‘bug hunt’, ‘den build’ and use nature to learn about risk management. They enjoy the freedom of the outdoors and will use cameras to capture their fascinations such as frost on a spider’s web, footprints in the snow.

Walks / outings;
We aim to take the children out of the nursery each day so they can explore the local area. We have a range of shops and a market that the children visit to purchase fruit, they may visit the fire station or send letters at the Post office thus using everyday real experiences as an opportunity to learn.
We regularly visit The Ideas Store in Canary Wharf where the children enjoy the story telling sessions that are available each morning.
We enjoy walks around our community giving us the opportunity to discuss local landmarks, the children particularly enjoy visits to the local docks and the river.
We visit Ropemakers Field, often enjoying our snack in the fresh air after spending time on the play equipment.
Trips to Mudchute Farm Park are always a firm favourite with the children, they get to go on the bus for the short ride to the farm and then enjoy petting and feeding animals before climbing uphill to join in with some fruit picking.

Music lessons
Music lessons are held weekly to introduce the children to a variety of instruments. Basic rhythms and beats form the basis of each lesson. Children explore rhyming words and choose topics of interest to inspire their musical creations. Familiar songs are used to engage the children, challenging them to recognise the instruments used in their favourite songs. As the children become older well known symphonies are used to explore the emotions behind the compositions.

Children are uniquely suited to benefit from mindfulness. Each morning the children gather to spend a few moments thinking about how they are feeling, using skills for brain development such as focus, cognitive control, self-regulation, judgment and patience. Taking that time to focus helps to create a positive approach to the day ahead. If challenging moments arise throughout the day mindfulness is used to re- channel the children’s positive focus.
Part of our daily routine includes yoga, the short session works as a mental break from the busy day. Yoga enhances flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. In addition, the child’s concentration, sense of calmness and relaxation improves. We have found that yoga brings that marvellous inner light that all children have to the surface.