World Book Day 2021

World Book Day 2021 was lots of fun! It was full of imaginative activities to bring some of our favourite stories to life. Here is a little taster of what we got up to:

The Gruffalo – The children made Gruffalo Crumble with a mixture of pears and raisins. With support from their key workers to follow the recipe they were able to combine the mixture and loved the independence of chopping and mixing the ingredients. 

Dear Zoo – We wrapped some of our small world animals in foil for children to feel and guess what was inside before they opened it. A zoo scene was also set up with small world animals, printed animal fabric and we used puppets to bring the story to life. As you can see in the video, the children loved feeding the crocodile!

Monkey Puzzle – An enticing set up including lots of natural materials to inspire the children’s curiosity

How do Dinosaurs Play with their Friends – Our activity was a fun invitation for the children to explore a variety of objects with all their senses including dry pasta, spiky pine cones and squishy play dough that was infused with the scent of peppermint. 

Room on the Broom – The children had great fun making magic wands using sticks, paint and craft resources. 

Jack and the Beanstalk – Our pre-school children measured themselves against a giant beanstalk to help bring some meaning to numbers and make comparisons in the height of their friends and the beanstalk. We then went to explore and found some ‘magic beans’ in the park that led to all sorts of discussions. The children decorated plant plots and planted their beans. These are now growing in our garden,

The Three Little Pigs – On a trip to the park, the children found some sticks, straw and even some bricks. We created our own piglet masks and the children loved seeing the story brought to life with lots of props.

Encyclopedia – Our Baby Room children have been showing a particular interest in birds recently so after looking through our Encylcopedia of Birds we made bird-feeders out of bird seed and coconut oil. We then hung them up in the park and the children were thrilled to spot some pigeons and squirrels nibble on what they had made.